Installation - Configuration - Customization - Automation
Neilsoft provides specialized services for PLM Customization and Data Migration, helping clients to overcome the challenges that arise due to diversification in adopted technologies, upgraded PLM systems or induction of a new PLM system. We develop tools to migrate and map legacy data between different PLM systems effectively & smoothly without affecting the end users.

- Legacy Data Migration
- PDM <-> PDM Data Migration
- PDM <-> PLM Data Migration

- CAD Integration
- ERP Integration
- 3rd Party System Integration

- Workflow Automation
- Design Process Automation
- Custom Functionality Development
Key Highlights:
- Our consulting approach works by assessing the existing CAD & Non-CAD data and evaluating the relationships between flat file folders / assemblies / parts & attributes. This technique provides the required analysis to the end user, detailing the status of the data before starting any Customization or Migration process. Based on this analysis, we recommend, develop and implement a client specific PLM customization / migration process.
- Our highly reliable migration process ensures elimination of duplicate data, fixing of issues with CAD / Non CAD data, optimal meta data mapping, copying files to source PLM system and importing meta data into target PLM. Our migration process also ensures that the object relationships & their attributes are maintained.
- We develop PLM exporters in-house to export data from the source PLM system, and then the middle layer maps the data with target PLM system. At the end, either we develop importers for target PLM system or use batch loaders of the target PLM systems. We also have the expertise to create extensive test suites to ensure all relationships and attribute mappings are accomplished as expected.
Benefits realized by end users are as follows:
- Smooth migration without affecting the End Users
- Flexible migration process, customized as per the requirement
- Significant reduction in PLM migration time
- Enhanced engineering productivity/efficiency
Case Studies

Neilsoft supported a Leading Oil & Gas Industry related Technology Provider with an Enterprise Level Solution for SAP-AUTODESK Vault Integration including its Global Deployment and Rollout. The project involved synchronizing BOM and Part Numbers directly from Inventor with SAP BOM, Material Master and DIR through Vault. The Data Set involved in the project is accessed by around 3500 Users working in over 20 Countries, with a data size of approximately 600 GB made up of around 5 Million Files.

Neilsoft supported a Leading Supplier of Engineering IT Systems for the Process, Energy and Marine Industries, to help with the Real-time Integration Process of the Client’s Plant Design Solution with AutoCAD. The Client had developed an Industry Leading Product for Plant Design Management, with extensive Automation Capabilities and a one-of- kind Drafting Module which could be used for Generating Production Drawings. The Client wanted to integrate this PDM Solution with AutoCAD, so that the Drafting Features of AutoCAD could be leveraged within its own PDM Solution Ecosystem.