Neilsoft provides Steel detailing services for steel structures such as residential, commercial, industrial, manufacturing, to name a few. Our structural steel services include designing of complete structures to 3D modeling, fabrication drawings, Bill of materials and CNC files.
Please see below for a list of the services we provide in Structural Steel Engineering:
Structural Analysis:
- 3D-Space frame analysis for building structures
- Design of structures based on ERFO or ASO methods
- Gravity load analysis for Dead load, Live Load, Imposed load & Snow load combinations
- Lateral load analysis for Dead load, Wind load, Seismic load combinations
- Different sizes of members
- Piece / shop marks / erection notes
- Loads on framing plan
- Connection details
- All dimensions (member spacing, elevation etc.)
- Different plate details
- Design calculation for connections
- Structural standard notes
- Individual member details
- BOM (sizes, cut length, connected accessories, bolt sizes, quantities, weights)
- Details of base plate of column and embed plates
- Framing plan
- Location of member
- Cross section elevation
- Member properties
- Piece marks
- Standard notes
- Connection details
Software platforms expertise:
Tekla, X-Steel, SDS/2, StruCAD, AutoCAD, Cadmill.
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